December 20, 2004 -- HM -- Ballard Log Out | Topics | Search
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Wild Poetry Forum » ~WPF Administration & Moderator Testing Forum~ » December 20, 2004 -- HM -- Ballard « Previous Next »

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Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 3442
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Monday, July 11, 2005 - 8:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Honorable Mention
Blue Coat
Treezaa (T. E. Ballard)

We’ve been together too long
What will you tell me that I don’t already know?

Trees are whispering to each other
In this place we are naked, listen to the cold

Slipping through us, as if we are visible,
Somehow we’ve forgotten how to matter.

How to mean anything. Trees tell us nothing
Dressed in their white cloaks. Tall brides

Wed to winter. Alone I’ve forgotten.
I am the sparrow. I am the blue coat.

You must push the shiny heads into warm fabric,
quickly because your father is waiting in the car and your mother is silent,
you are invisible, falling into her pocket and she is gliding past;
a penny on the slippery floor. Then she is gone, you know she is gone
before the car pulls out of the driveway. You are alone.
The coat does not matter.

My death will be blue.
I will say to the children
dress me in clouds, give me rings of water
around my wrists. Let me beautiful.
Let me be light.

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